
First of all, Thank you so much for purchasing this application and for being our loyal customer. You are awesome!
You are entitled to get free lifetime updates to this product + exceptional support from the author directly.

This documentation is to help you regarding each step of usages. Please go through the documentation carefully to understand how this application is work. PHP with Laravel, HTML, CSS, JS and MySQL knowledge is required to customize this application. You may learn basics here, here.

Be careful while editing the application. If not edited properly, the logical and design layout may break completely.
No support is provided for faulty customization.

1. App setup

To get started, you need to do the following:


You will need the following requirements to install this application.

  1. Hosting Account with good RAM(memory) - minimum memory requirement to host a Laravel Project is 512MB
  2. FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla)
  3. Web Browser to run the application (eg: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox)
  4. Server should have at least PHP 7.2 or greater and MySQL 5.6+ version

2. Installation

2.A cPanel Install

  1. Video Guide
  2. Login to you cPanel
  3. Create a sub-domain
  4. Go to file manager and your sub-domain document root
  5. Upload & Extract files_to_upload from rose setup to folder
  6. create a database -
  7. Jump to section C Here

2.B. Simple Mode XAMPP Install (only for testing)

  1. Download and Install XAMPP - Do not (never) Install in C Drive 
  2. Open your xampp/htdocs folder
  3. Empty htdocs folder
  4. Extract files_to_upload from rose setup to htdocs folder
  5. Open XAMPP From Start Menu -> Start Apache and MySQL
  6. Visit localhost/phpmyadmin -> create a database - default database user name is root and password is blank
  7. Visit http://localhost/public -> it will start the installation
  8. Enter your details installation process
  9. Jump to section C Here

2.C. Advanced XAMPP Install (with virtual-host setup)

  1. Download and Install XAMPP - Do not (never) Install in C Drive , Install it D drive
  2. Download notepad++
  3. Navigate to D:/xampp/apache/conf/extra
  4. Open and edit httpd-vhosts.conf with notepad++
    <VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot "D:/server/htdocs"
     ServerName localhost
     <Directory "D:/server/htdocs">
    <VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot "D:/server/htdocs/rose/public"
     ServerName rose.localhost
     <Directory "D:/server/htdocs">
  5. Go to start -menu , right click on notepad+++ and run as administrator
  6. in NotePad++ > File Menu > Open and Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file
  7. Paste below code save       localhost       rose.localhost
  8. Open XAMPP From Start Menu -> Re-Start Apache and MySQL
  9. Jump to section C Here

2.D. Linux Install (with virtual-host setup)

  1. Download and Install XAMPP/LAMP Here
  2. Enable custom virtual hosts Open Terminal > sudo gedit /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
  3. Search
    # Virtual hosts
    #Include etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
    Change #Include to Include and save
  4. Enable custom virtual hosts Open Terminal > sudo gedit /opt/lampp/etc/httpd-vhosts.conf

    <VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs"
     ServerName localhost
     <Directory "/opt/lampp/htdocs">
    <VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/public"
     ServerName rose.localhost
     <Directory "/opt/lampp/htdocs/public">
  6. Go to terminal and enter sudo gedit /etc/hosts
  7. Paste below code save       localhost       rose.localhost
  8. Re-Start Apache and MySQLTerminal > sudo /opt/lampp/xampp stop sudo /opt/lampp/xampp start
  9. Jump to section C Here

Installation Process

  1. Close the all browser tabs and clear your cache or open an Incognito window (Chrome Users: Press Ctrl + Shift + n)

  2. Open http(s)://

  3. Step 1 - Read and agree to the license

  4. Step 2 - Check Requirements

  5. Step 3 - Check Permissions

3. App Login

After successful installation you will redirected login section, use your email that entered during the installation with the default password 123456

4. App Dashboard Details

After successful login you will redirected the dashboard

  • 4.1 - Admin Settings - settings Related to the company/business - Only Business Owner can access it
  • 4.2 - Choose your language
  • 4.3 - Logged user account management - You can edit your profile or change the password
  • 4.4 - Today Income - The total amount you received with all payments methods , total income can be different from total sales - total sales is gross invoice value while total income is actual incoming payment including only paid/partial paid invoices
  • 4.5 - Today Expense - Total outgoing amount
  • 4.6 - Revenue is Today Income - Today Expense
  • Tip: You can define the income and expense transactions category in admin settings
  • 4.7 - Income vs Expense of the the month
  • 4.8 - Your recent tasks
  • 4.9 - Low stock products list

5. Business Details Setup


Here you can update Business Details

6. Localization Settings

In this section you can update your date format and timezone


In this section you can add and update the TRANSACTION CATEGORIES. Do not delete default categorise as these are required to display some charts and calculations.


In this section you can add and update the Default Status.

Default Statuses are required by the Project and Task Manager to judge the direction of tasks and projects


In this section you can update the Default Tax, Discount format and warehouse. To add items click on the red Plus icon.

10. Tax & Discount Management

In this section you can add and update the Tax & Discount types. To set default check 8. BILLING SETTINGS PREFERENCE


In this section you can update the Prefixes of respected modules.


In this section you can manage billing terms, You can select module for the terms


Go to POS Here


In this section you can set
- Currency - your default business currency for invoices and other bills
- Online payment - It will add a card payment button on invoices public preview
- Online payment Account - The online paid amount will reflect in the selected account.


In this section you can multiple currencies
- you can select these currencies during invoice and bill creation.


In this section you can add banks account
- You customer can view these bank account details on the public preview of invoices.

17. Payment Gateways

In this section you can add Payment Gateways
- You customer can pay with these gateways on the public preview of invoices.

At time of the release of the app Paypal and Stripe are added but in future, you may see more gateways

A. Stripe Setup

- Create a stripe account and login

- Go to developers section and obtain public key and private key and enter them on respected fields

- Currency Code - as per your location and account

- Surcharge - you can add to manage your gateways charges

- Other - the field can be ignored

A. Paypal Setup

- Create a stripe account and login (Developer should create a sandbox account)

- Go to Paypal developers section and create an app

- After app creation you will receive Paypal client id and secret

- Surcharge - you can add to manage your gateways charges

- Other - the field can be ignored


In this section you can set
- Sales Transaction Category - your default business Sales Transaction Category for invoices
- Purchase Transaction Category - your default business Purchase Transaction Category for Purchase orders
- Account Types - Example: Basic,Assets,Income,Expenses, these can be used during accout creation
- Payment Methods - Example: Cash,Bank Transfer,Cheque,Prepaid Card,Other
- Dual Entry Accounting - It will create a secondary transaction in selected account

19. EMAIL SETTINGS & Sms Gateway

Rose application utilize SMTP protocol to send its all emails including (invoice notifications, user password reset). You must configure SMTP correctly to send emails.


A. Email System :Use Default System Settings
If you are using this option than you must set the details in your_project> .env file

  1. Open you project directory
  2. Here you will get .env (if you are not able to view file , please enable to show the hidden dot files in your file manager)

MAIL_USERNAME = your_smtp_user_name
MAIL_PASSWORD = your_smtp_user_password

B. Use Custom SMTP Settings

Email Sending & Communication Errors

Please do not send support requests regarding your SMTP configuration. the application has a perfectly tested SMTP integration so check your server credentials and configuration.
If send email is not working you can create a test SMTP account here
as well can try some SMTP diagnostic tools, user of G Suite may face error in sending if their hosting company is not allowing the communication, in this case you can contact you hosting provider
Try to switch you port from 465 SSL to 587 TLS

Special Case: For a user, SMTP settings are working for general client-side desktop and mobile applications but not for the Rose Billing

- The Rose billing needs a server to server communication and that can be restricted by your hosting provider or email service provider, it is different from server to client app communication.

SMS Gateway Settings

A. SMS Gateway :Use Default System Settings
If you are using this option than you must set the details in your_project> .env file

  1. Open you project directory
  2. Here you will get .env (if you are not able to view file , please enable to show the hidden dot files in your file manager)


With "Default System Settings" option application will use TWILLIO Sms gateway, you can get TWILLIO_SENDER_ID ,TWILLIO_PASSWORD and TWILLIO_TOKEN from

B. SMS Gateway :Use Custom SMS Settings

B.1 Twilio - Enter Your Twilio gateway Credentials

B.2 TextLocal - Enter Your TextLocal gateway Credentials - Api Key & Sender ID

B.3 Clockwork - Enter Your Clockwork gateway Credentials - Api Key & Sender ID

B.4 msg91 - Enter Your msg91 gateway Credentials - Api Key & Sender ID

B.5 BulkSMS Gateway ( - Enter Your BulkSMS Gateway ( gateway Credentials - Username, Password & Sender ID

B.6 Generic - Enter Your Generic gateway Credentials

Url Shorten for SMS links

You can enable shorten URLs in your SMS to shrink the total size of a message. Please get your token from your developer section


In this section you can set - EMAIL ALERTS & NOTIFICATIONS SETTINGS
- New Transaction Alert
- Delete Transaction Alert
- New Invoice Alert
- Delete Invoice Alert
- Customer New Invoice Alert
- Customer New Invoice SMS Alert
- Customer New Invoice Alert
- Business Admin Notification Email - You will receive critical business notification related stock, expired products etc

21. Manage Email & SMS Templates

In this section you can edit your sms and email templates, keep {Variables}


Application has integrated API. It offers a real-time currency conversion for your invoices. Accurate Exchange Rates for 168 World Currencies with data updates ranging from every 60 minutes down to stunning 60 seconds. Please visit to get API key and do not forget set the CRON job for automatic base rate updates in background.


In this section you can set CUSTOM FIELDS
- Customers
- Invoices
- Quotes
- Credit Notes
Field View can be private (employees only) and public (on public previews and print)


In this section you can create standard and mulit units
Standard unit value is 1
Multi The unit can be with value X - Here X is a number

Standard Type unit can be selected during product creation, while Multiple Unit can be selected during billing. Standard Type Unit Example is KG Multiple Type Unit Example is Box with a value of 50 During billing, if product X has Kg Unit but multi-unit can be Box so KG*BOX=50KG


In this section you will get cron urls

The software utility Cron is a time-based job scheduler. People who set up and maintain automated application task uses Cron to schedule jobs to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. Recommended Cron job scheduling is in midnight.


In this section you can download and install updates with 3 clicks with this easy WebUpdater. Please remember this function will not work properly if your server has very restricted file permissions and you have to update manually.
Once after starting the process you must follow all 3 steps.


In this section you can EMPLOYEE SELF ATTENDANCE and CUSTOMER SELF LOGIN in the CRM section.


In this section you can adjust the visual setting, at launch time t has only one print style but in future more styles will be added .

29. Enable Google Captcha

In this section you can configure and enable Google Captcha.

  1. Open you project directory
  2. Here you will get .env (if you are not able to view file , please enable to show the hidden dot files in your file manager)
  3. Visit to get keys
  4. Change values as per screenshot and save it

30. Create First Invoice

Invoice creation process is very simple with Rose Billing

  • 1. Search an existing client or add new client
  • 2. Search an existing product or add new product in stock manager
  • 3. To add more product click on green button with + icon near products row
  • 4. Change values if required and Generate the invoice

After Successful Generation you will see following buttons
- View (To Internal View) - Print - Preview (Public Invoic link that can be accessed without login )

- Internal Invoice View

- Public Invoice View

- Pay Invoice with Card

31. POS

1. To use POS panel, you need to open the drawer/register

  • 1 -Register/Drawer Status
  • 2 - Create Fresh Invoice
  • 3 - Close Register/Drawer
  • 4 - Add New Customer Or Search
  • 5 - Invoice Settings
  • 6 - On Hold Drafts
  • 7 - POS Product Search Settings
  • 8 - POS Product Styles
  • 9 - Product
  • 10 - Payment & Print Button

- Style 1

- Style 2

- Payment

- Print

32. POS Thermal Printer

Simple: You can use browser mode to print with browser in POS Preference

Advance : You can configure your network printer


To manage Customers Go > Crm > Manage Customers

- View Customer Details

- Sub Contacts

34.Customer Groups

To manage Customers Groups Go > Crm > Manage Groups Customers

35.Stock Manager Section

  • Please check Menu > Stock manager
  • To manage Products
  • To manage Product Purchase Orders
  • To manage Product Categories
  • To MANAGE Print Product Labels
  • To MANAGE Stock Transfer

- To MANAGE Print Product Custom Labels

To MANAGE Print Product Standard Labels

- To MANAGE Stock Transfer


To manage Accounts Groups Go > Finance > ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT

You can add accounts type in Admin Settings > ACCOUNTS & TRANSACTIONS PREFERENCE

Do not delete default accounts

- Add Account

37. Transaction Management

To manage Transactions Groups Go > Finance > Transaction Management

You can create financial transaction related to your business.

38. Projects Management & Tasks

To manage Projects Groups Go > Project & Tasks > Projects Management


39. Status & Tags

In this section you can create projects status, tasks status and tags for it.



40. HRM - Employee Management

To manage Employees Groups Go > HRM > Employee Management

  • Create Employee
  • Edit Employee Profiles
  • Create Employee Roles


41. Departments

You can classify the employees in departments

42. Payroll

Enter the salary transactions of employees

43. Miscellaneous



Help & Support

Please remember you have purchased a very affordable application and you have not paid for a full-time web design agency. Occasionally we will help with small tweaks, but these requests will be put on a lower priority due to their nature. Support is also 100% optional and we provide it for your connivance, so please be patient, polite and respectful.

Please visit our profile page or ask question

Enter a valid email to receive ticket replies. Gmail is recommended for reliable communication. Email maybe found in SpamBox after 5 minutes (whitelist If you are not receiving emails means you will not get reply notifications.

Support for our items includes:
  • * Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  • * Fixing bugs and reported issues
  • * Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions
Item support does not include:
  • * Customization and installation services
  • * Support for third party software and plug-ins
Before seeking support, please...
  • * Make sure you have checked the help & troubleshoot guide, attached with the app.
  • * Make sure your question is a valid application Issue and not a customization request.
  • * Make sure you have read through the documentation before asking support on how to accomplish a task.
  • * Make sure to double check the application FAQs.
  • * Try disabling any active plugins to make sure there isn't a conflict with a plugin. And if there is this way you can let us know.
  • * If you have customized your application and now have an issue, back-track to make sure you didn't make a mistake. If you have made changes and can't find the issue, please provide us with your changelog.
  • * Almost 80% of the time we find that the solution to people's issues can be solved with a simple "Google Search". You might want to try that before seeking support. You might be able to fix the issue yourself much quicker than we can respond to your request.
  • * Make sure to state the name of the application you are having issues with when requesting support via CodeCanyon.

Files & Credits

Included Libraries

I am not the only person who wrote these codes. I used several open-source projects. My special thanks to thousands of open source community members, I can't mention their names but, all who contributed to these communities. I've used the following libraries, icons or other files as listed. These are the primary library files used to design the application. Use these to customize your application even further.

Laravel Framework
jQuery Library
Bootstrap Library
PHP Mailer
Morris Chart
Laravel Boilerplate
FPS Line Icons
Font Awesome
Evil Icons

Version History (Changelog)

You can find the version history (changelog.txt) file on project folder

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this application. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this application. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the application on Codecanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section


The application is developed with Laravel 8.1

You can read the developer documentation here

You can use composer to install new libraries composer require vendor/package but do not update or remove exiting libraries to avoid compatibility issues

Version Release Bug Fixes Until Security Fixes Until
8.1 September 8, 2020 - -
Application Flow Chart

The following graphic illustrates how data flows throughout the system:

  1. The rote serves as the front controller, initializing the base resources needed to run CodeIgniter.
  2. The Router examines the HTTP request to determine what should be done with it.
  3. If a cache file exists, it is sent directly to the browser, bypassing the normal system execution.
  4. Security. Before the application controller is loaded, the HTTP Middleware request and any user submitted data is filtered for security.
  5. The Controller loads the model, core libraries, helpers, and any other resources needed to process the specific request.
  6. The finalized View is rendered then sent to the web browser to be seen. If caching is enabled, the view is cached first so that on subsequent requests it can be served.